How to Pair Wine with Food (BBQ)

An introduction to the challenging decision of choosing a wine to compliment a meal. We run through the main meats (proteins) and vegetables, to give suggestions on the many wine varieties likely to best pair with your meal to create the exceptional experience we know you are hoping for. Go ahead, pop that cork!



5/26/20234 min read

pairing wine with food and bbq pouring glass
pairing wine with food and bbq pouring glass

How to Pair Wine and BBQ for the Ultimate Outdoor Feast

In this very first blog post of Coals and Corks we thought we would link the two subjects in what can be a heartbreaking trial-and-error process when you don’t know the foundation ‘rules’.

If your anything like me, you have 3 types of mates.

  1. The No Go’s: Those that don’t like wine.

  2. The Magpies: Those that look for shiny 80% off coupons and shop in the $2 special bin for wines that no one will even buy to use in sauces.

  3. The Poppers: Those that pop a cork at any opportunity possible.

If you haven’t already guessed, I am a popper and don’t need an excuse to hunt for the corkscrew. Over time I have discovered the beauty of wine and with careful selection the amazing quality wine possess of enhancing an already exceptional a meal. Let’s face it, even if the meal is shit, you can just pop a second bottle of the good stuff and enjoy the company of those around you. It’s amazing how quickly after the next bottle is popped your guests forget you put the brisket on 3 hours late, and forgive you even though its tougher than grandad’s WW2 army boots. At Coals and Corks, we are here to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. We will learn some cooking tips, as well as rule number 1: "If you think you need 2 bottles, get 3".

When everything lines true-north, the wine can carry the meal supporting flavour enhancement and likewise the cooking methods of the meal bring out the subtle aromas and flavours of the wine. Each mouthful fills you with anticipation for the next, slowly building throughout the meal through to climax! A feeling most of us can relate to, even if it has nothing to do with wine.

We will continue to break down pairing content and work on a little cheat sheet for download, but for now here is some basic, high-level information to help you when making a decision on what wine to bring to dinner to get those juices flowing.

So with no more ado … lets get into it, lets break it down.

What are the best wines for BBQ dishes?

The best wines for BBQ dishes depend on several factors, such as the type of meat or seafood, the style and flavour of the sauce, the level of smokiness and spiciness, and your personal preference. So, to simplify some of the confusion here are some general guidelines that can help you make a good choice.

Beef: Beef is a rich and hearty meat that can stand up to full-bodied and robust red wines. Some of the best red wines for BBQ beef are.

  • Shiraz

  • Cabernet Sauvignon

  • Malbec

  • Sangiovese

  • Tempranillo

These wines have enough fruit power, tannin structure, and spice notes to match the bold flavours of beef and its sauces. Avoid light and delicate red wines like Pinot Noir or Gamay, as they will be overwhelmed by the beef.

Pork: Get some Pork on your fork! Pork is a versatile meat that can pair well with both white and red wines, depending on the cut and the sauce.

For leaner cuts like pork chops or tenderloin, try crisp and refreshing white wines like.

  • Riesling

  • Grüner Veltliner

  • Gewürztraminer

  • Roussanne

  • Viognier

These wines have enough acidity and fruitiness to balance the pork’s mild flavour and complement its sauces.

For fattier cuts like ribs or pulled pork, try fruity and smooth red wines like

  • Pinot Noir

  • Merlot

  • Grenache

  • Zinfandel

These wines have enough body and sweetness to match the pork’s richness and contrast its sauces.

Chicken: Chicken is a lean and mild meat that can pair well with a variety of white and red wines, depending on the sauce and the cooking method.

For grilled or smoked chicken with light or tangy sauces like lemon or vinegar-based ones, try light and zesty white wines like

  • Sauvignon Blanc

  • Pinot Grigio

  • Verdelho

  • Chardonnay

These wines have enough acidity and citrus notes to cut through the chicken’s fat and enhance its flavour.

For barbecued or roasted chicken with rich or spicy sauces like tomato or mustard-based ones, try medium-bodied and spicy red wines like

  • Shiraz

  • Malbec

  • Grenache

  • Tempranillo

These wines have enough fruit and pepper notes to match the chicken’s intensity and complexity.

Seafood: Seafoodis a delicate and light protein that can pair well with crisp and refreshing white wines or rosé wines. Some of the best white wines for BBQ seafood are.

  • Semillon

  • Sauvignon Blanc

  • Riesling

  • Grüner Veltliner

  • Gewürztraminer

  • Vermentino.

These wines have enough acidity and aromatics to balance the seafood’s brininess and complement its sauces. Some of the best rosé wines for BBQ seafood are.

  • Provence Rosé

  • Côtes de Provence Rosé

  • Grenache Rosé

  • Pinot Noir Rosé.

These wines have enough fruitiness and freshness to contrast the seafood’s savouriness and enhance its flavour.

Vegetables: Vegetables are a healthy and tasty addition to any BBQ feast. They can pair well with a variety of white, red, or rosé wines, depending on their flavour profile and preparation method. For grilled or roasted vegetables with earthy or smoky flavours like mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, or peppers, try light-bodied and earthy red wines like.

  • Pinot Noir

  • Merlot

  • Grenache

  • Nero D’Avola

These wines have enough savouriness and softness to match the vegetables’ texture and flavour. For fresh or raw vegetables with crisp or tangy flavours like lettuce, tomato, cucumber, or carrot, try dry or off-dry rosé wines like

  • Provence Rosé

  • Côtes de Provence Rosé

  • Grenache Rosé

  • Pinot Noir Rosé

These wines have enough acidity and fruitiness to balance the vegetables’ bitterness and sweetness.

I hope this first post has given you all a starting point when you are walking through the endless isles of Dan Murphy, and you can now do better than looking in the $2 bin, and you can ask for a specific type, that will hopefully compliment your evenings plans. Who knows it might just lead to a climatic ending!

Stay strong, enjoy your day and do your body a favour!

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